Friday, October 29, 2004

Happy Hallowe'en everyone!!!!!!!

Today I am Countess Shanula - Gothic vampiress in training, Tomorrow who knows? Perhaps I will suck my way to the top in siliar fashion to Presiditial Candidate George Dubya!

Anywho, another short blog today - this time completely and utterly because I spent my lunch emailing various warm-blooded peoples.

Right, so this weekend is bound to be full of tricks & treats. Tonight, we are heading to Leith (scary enough in itself) for a Fancy Dress (read - costume) party. I am Vampiress, Keri is Goth Chic and Jen is French Maid/Flasher ... honestly if she bends over even the slightest bit she'll be pulling a Bridget Jones!!

I've been informed that I will recieve training for my new position in v. near future and that I am being put on one of the most complicated type cases (my manager thinks I am capable/quick enough to pick it up..hahahaha) ! ANyway, looking forward to using my brain again - maybe then I will be able to write Witty Blogs again.

Oh - my official start date is November 8th, which, incidentally I am taking off as a holiday.

I am thinking about getting my nose pierced...thinking A LOT.

K - that's gota be the end for now..try to blog again soon with more interesting news....

EAt, eat and eat some more treats!!!


Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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