Tuesday, October 26, 2004

K - this is goingot be the shortest post in awhile, namely because I don't have much lunch time left, but also because there is not much of a Weekend Review to post about anyway. It seems, with autumn weather and it darkness settling in, we have become rather predictable and slightly more homebodyish....

Friday night = Farewell to Kathleen - 8 girls, 1 American-style resturant and overpriced Hamburgers (seriousoly $18 for a hamburger & fries people...I don't care what anyone says..I will do conversions if something seems a wee bit overpriced). Anyway, the most eventful part of the night was when I became the target of anpkin throwing.....Kathleen was trying to take an action photo..don't ask.

Saturday -Hallowe'en costume shopping with Jen - turned up empty handed in the costume department,but landed tonnes of free food samples at a really interesting outdoor market wiht many international food booths and yummy hot nuts.

Saturday night we went to a pub called the Hog's Head to meet some other friends...I had to do a double take on this new drinking venue, beacuse, it turns out I had been to the Hog's Head before..in 2003! Fun times, but our gals didn't show up until long after we'd departed for the Walk About. Jen & I have decided it si time we moved on to another place..there seems to be a trend developing here what with Filthy's, the WalkAbout, etc.

Sunday - absolutely nothing - a day full of laziness. The highlight was a walk which found me atteh Botanic Gardens - beautiful depsiet the drizzle.

Yep..short and sweet.gotta get back at it.

Write soon, so I have mail to read when I PAY to check my hotmail account :)


Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »