So, how was the much-anticipated fireworks display that was to end the Edinburgh Festivals in a big way? Well, must say they were the best fireworks I never saw. In true Scottish style, fog descended upon the city mere minutes before the fireworks display was to begin. They still carried out the show, however none but the lowest and smallest of the fireworks could be seen. Ah well, that's Mother Nature for ya. They sounded good though....
Last night I made the unwise choice to attend an all-you-can eat Chinese buffet, where I then made the unwise choice to eat all I could plus some more. I am now suffering backlash from my stomach. It hates me. I can't blame it. The thought of eating anything is a complete turn off at the moment.
I am NEVER eating buffet again. If you ever see me being tempted by teh idea, please, please just say these words: 'Saigon Saigon'
Anyway, will hope that an hour of boxercise and attempt to detoxify through massive water intake results in me feeling better, less like I've been at sea for the last month., As long as I am still under Ryanair weight restrictions (are there such things for passengers?? there should be ), I will be on a flight to Dublin tomorrow. I suppose I could always figure out how they get those blimps to stay in the air, then just take up that method of self-transport :)
Positive note of the day - it has been absolutely gorgeous weather here as of late (save for the fogginess of Sunday evening) and I am reminded of just how much an impact abit of sunshine can have on one's mood
Grumble of the Day - Commercial websites that display a COONTACT US option, which, when clicked, will not allow you to email unless your computer is set up to automotically do so. How am I supposed to email unless I have an email address?
In moment of brilliance I go to check Source option, which would let me view original HTML coding, but the option is grayed out on my computer. Bloody bullocks. I need to contact my travel agency about flight home at Christmas. Phone call too expensive, and no access to email address. Sigh.
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