Bonjour, bonjour! Yes, me thinks a voyage to France's Disneyland is a necessity. True, I can't really afford the £ to visit Mickey & Donald and it may be rather cold by tthe time we finally make it there (i.e. November), but HELLO..its DISNEY :) Last night I was not so keen on the idea..obviously I was being too practical & logical..the consequence of having finally caught up on my sleep. Anyways..we shall see..there are free flights via one of the discount airlines, but sale ends tonight so will have to be impulsive purchase (will just pretend I am buying candy then!).
Right - OK, here's Weekend Review.
Starting where I finished off on Saturday (with overly sentimental and chirpy post), I headed to SuperCuts to get my mop chopped off yet again (for anyone wondering, yes..its been a mere three weeks since last haircut!). ANyway, I might as wellhave gone to a barbershop and saved myself some money..yes, my hair is just that short. I wish I had a cool hat to wear.
Saturday evening was another Walk About..I know, I know..predictable! Ah well, it is always a good time. Before heading out, us gals, along with Jen's parents and Stacy (Keri's friend), had a photo slideshow, checking out all of KEri & Jen's pics from the past four and a half months.Conclusions - Jen & I go out on the town A LOT and always take pics at the beginning of the night, when we look half decent. Keri & Jen both love taking pics of themselves. I need more clothes.
The Walk About was a good time, we met up with some Canadian dudes we've befriended. Oh, but the weirdest thing is that when I was leaving the bar some guy asked me if I'd been in Ireland the week before. How weird is that?? Didn't realise I was so memorable..he must have seen my graceful fall to the pavement.
Sunday was a rather quiet day - shopping, phone calls to friends/family back home and a rather sentimental movie to finish off the weekend. Oh..and I picked up an application form at a shop that my friend works at. I think its about time I got myself a P/T night job...
So..yeah, it was a pretty quiet weekend by Edinburgh terms. But hey, we all need those on occassion and if I were back in PEI I ssupect I would be getting overload of quiet weekendsd!
Oh BTW - I forgot to mention two things from my Dublin tri:.
ONE: Customs is an OPTIONAL PROCESS at Edinburgh airport. Seriously, once you pick your baggage you can opt to go through the customs area or simply exit the terminal. Lovely.
TWO: Issey Miyake perfume smells sooooo good..I think I will have to splurge with money I don't have!
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