Monday, July 19, 2004

So today Scott asked me how long I'd been with Scot Eq..and I couldn't recall..which maybe means I've been here too long! It could also mean that I've lost any and all short-term memory ability. This is more likely the case. Mitigating factors related to short-term memory loss are as follows: 1) underutilisationof skills at work 2) Consumption of alcohol on weekends  3)  lack of sleep. mind is such a fog..remniscent of Dublin days.
So what did I get up to this weekend? What didn't I get up to this weekend..maybe that is a better question? (The answer i s Arhtur's Seat, which I was planning to climb but didn't..for good reason..see below).
OK - so Friday was BBQ on the Beach with work crew. A good time was had by all. Hihghlights included:
Free Drink (and by drink  I mean liquor)
Free Food (and by food I mean burgers, sausages, spuds, salads and no limits)
Sports-like Games that Shannon could actually play (i.e.  drunken football and even drunker Rounders..which is like Softball, but apparently, as I discoverd early is not allowed to steal bases. I am now officially a Canuck Cheater at drunken rounders)
Bonding with Workmates (nothing like liquor and sand to helpo with the bonding experience)
Downside was:
A slighlty injured ankle as result of tripping over rabbit hole. Have never seen so many rabbit holes..and on the beach??? Go figure..was like Alice in Wonderland.
Night continued on in Edinburgh for someof us more energetic (ie younger) persons. KEri, JEn & Natasha jioined but, in my opinion, were way too sober to enjoy the crappy bar we were at.
Which is why we went to the Walkabout, which is great no matter whether alcohol is in the system.
Saturday was pretty preparation for our planned pub/bar crawl on Saturday night. This was the route we ended up going
MacLAchlans (local pub on corner w/karaoke and v. v. old hot bartenders. Suffice to say we lasted only a few minutes before movingon to greener pastures)
Walk ABout (greener pastures for sure..good music and a stage for those seeking attention *cough*)
Filthy McNasty's (On JEn's insistence..She sang 'Two PRinces' and we got cheap drinks, but it has lost much of its appeal)
Walk About (yep, we went is rapidly gaining appeal..did I mention it is Aussie bar?)
Joungler's (dance club just yonder the Walk About)
Home (by 2.00 a.m...we are good girls :)
Sunday was, again, chillaxing. Gorgeous weather otu, so we eneded up just walking the streets of Edinburgh by day.
Of course, this meant we had worked up rather substanital appetites so we treated ourselves to an All-You-CAn-Eat pasta buffet... I def. got my money's worth, but am now cursing myself as belly is stretched to its limit. My gorging days r over. I am retiring.
Final NOte - Spiderman 2 rules. Loved good as the first..maybe better.
K..lunch is over and effects of drinking copious amounts of Diet Pop are demanding


Jen said...

We weren't home by 2.00! Don't make us sound bad =P

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »