Friday, May 19, 2006

OK, I have to admit that I am getting just a wee bit excited about my trip to Scotland now that it is imminent!! I've been throwing out phrases like 'Cheers' and 'Brilliant' on a regular basis and, well, I've been dreaming about British Pounds. No, not simply day dreaming about them - I've actually had dreams where I'm out and about spending British pounds! Oh how I am looking forward to the simplicity of tax-included shopping and seeing ten pounds cover my bill on a grocery shop!

This week I had a catch up session with my roomies from Scotland Summer '05, Lindsay & Kelly. Wow, there was quite a bit of news to catch up on! We shared stories and a Boost bar ( I had refrained from eating it since September '05 - a point of pride for this chocoholic!) Of course, seeing them here reminded me yet again that Scotland will not be the same upon my return - most of our friends from the first round are no longer there..they are back in Canada. This is, of course, with the exception of Mr Lucky to Have an Ancestry Visa (Brandon)! Nonetheless, a few of my European friends remain includingAilbhe, Gary, Helene, Margaret and Derek and me thinks the greatest part of anyu adventure is in meeting new and wonderful people, so I"m scouting out ways to go aboot that (Canadian phrasing toatlly intended there!)

This is my last weekend on PEI . So far it's gone wonderfully. Kicked off Friday night by watching the Da Vinci Code with Keri and catching up with here. The movie was good - not amazing or astounding, but v. good as movies go and it was true to the book. T be honest, I think I may have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read the bok and didn't know anything about the story because it's supposed to be intrigue, but, well if you know what's going to kind of isn't intriguing! I had no problem getting past the fact that Tom Hanks was playing the lead role - he seemed a natural for it and I don't think his stardom took away from the character.

Sahra & Henry showed up late on Friday night and when I got home from the flick we had a brief chance to chat and the such, then it was time to hit the sack. I could not resist reading a few more pages of Long Way Round -this is a book narrated by Ewan McGregor and Charley Booreman about their motorcycle adventure, which began in London and ended in New York, crossing through Siberia and a few other areas along the way! It's brilliant !!!

Saturday AM was regular step class, then I went home and jogged 4 k, then lifted weights for 40 minutes. Some might say I am overdoing it. Oops. Anyways - Saturday afternoon was extremely productive because I SOLD MY CAR :) ! The lucky new owners are a youngish couple - he's from the States, she's from England. Her father happened to be visiting and came to check my Echo out too. We had a bit of a chat - he seemed suprised that I actually liked living in Scotland! Anyways - happy, happy, joy, joy - my only commitment has now been dispersed of!

Saturday night was fab! I called up my newly discovered neighbour (and hairdresser to boot), Patti, and followed her and her boyfriend into Ch'town. We were heading the Renee's wedding dance. We ended up doing a bit of pre-drinking at the Inn on the Hill then caught up with the wedding party et al at the Charlottetown Hotel for some grooving and moving. There were quite a few nice looking men..of course they were all Serge's friends, and none were from PEI (big surprise there! I guesss Quebec is the place to go!). Anyways- there also happened to be a lovely veggiee plater and TWO kinds of wedding cake just sitting out there waiting to be eaten. . .

Today I paid for last night's sins by doing two hours of working out at the gym. Now I am home and eating my breakfast at 2.12 pm.