Friday, August 13, 2004

Now I don’t claim to be any sort of weather professional, or ‘meteorologist’, but well..isn’t August supposed to be summer for the Northern Hemisphere? So..we’ve got men in skirts, but no sunshine. It s a tradeoff… The last week has been perfect illustration of just how varying Scottish weather can be..from dreary gray, to bright gray to almost not gray.. The forecast for the weekend…varying shades of gray with the possibility of mist and the even slighter possibility of sunshine.

This weekend, we’ve kind of booked ourselves up with saying goodbyes to Kathleen, attending flat warming party of my workmate and volunteering the entirety of Sunday to help out at Fringe Sunday. I daresay I won’t be catching up on my sleep this weekend..or any time in foreseeable future.

Oh..I just remembered its Friday 13th .. Hmm..not much to say about that..have never had anything horribly bad happen on this superstitious day..

In answer to questions recently posed via email or on blog:

Planned dates for visit home at Christmas: Dec 9th– Jan 9th.will visit Sahra a few days on each end as I land in Halifax. Er..I haven’t actually confirmed this with sis, but am sure she’ll be happy to have me????

Time Difference between here and home = 4 hours (we are ahead of in it would be later here)

A digital camera is a luxury that I am quite sure I can live without..will be happy just ot be home for Christmas. On the other hand…surprises are always fun ;)

VOX Phone Card is available in Canada (Shoppers Drug Mart) and is v. good for calling phone boths int eh UK. I suggest that certain people whom I am related to make the investment in two-way communication as calling from my mobile is rather expensive and I am rather poor….

Random Thoughts

They advertise pizza with Candian bacon over here..and Canadian waffles with maple syrup. Yep..Canada’s pigs are world –renowned and the Belgians have nothing on our waffle exports!

Jen tans so easily, I am jealous. Why can’t I tan just a wee bit..just enough so I don’t llok like porcelain girl (from Asia..go figure, am still getting that one)

Is it too early to be thinking AS (After Scotland)..because I’m kind of throwing around the idea of going South….Down Under to the land of Kiwis or Oz.

I am rowing lots these the gym anyways. My right shoulder is killing me. Coincidence or correalation?? I am also having toothaches and continue to chew gum. Could I be masochistic?

More sweets & chocolates of the women is celebrating sale of stock at Gain. I will soon be celebrating simple gain..of weight. Oh woe is me and my gluttony (note the rhyming)

Us gals started a list of quotable quotes and will someday soon make the actual effort ot post these quotes on a wall…Here are a few samples:

Keri: Let’s blow this Popsicle joint
I I’m sucking diesel man
(apparently this means having a good day to Irish people????)

Jen: If I know (insert name) like I think I know (insert name), which is not at all…
I need a plan!

Shannon: The only thing I can come up with in an improv show is a pick up line
I am giving up candy (That’s a new one…I just thought of cracks Keri up when I say this..every second day)

Will make effort to create a quote board on blog so as to allow for each of us to add in quotes and for y’all to view them..or maybe Jen, with her spare time and amazing computer abilities would be better for the job?

K..lunch is nearing its end….

Oh – does anybody have book recommendations. I am looking for non-fiction and/or autobiographical read..something that is easy read, but insightful and interesting. Was thinking of reading Ishmael..but too busy (and by busy I mean lazy) to go get it at the library. This may pose problem with whole book reading endeavour as most books are located at library…

1 comment:

Rob said...

Hi Shannon
Neal Stephenson is the most amazing writer and here is a link. Start here if you dare. This is the most interesting novel I have read in years and then leads you off into a series - so you can get really hooked